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Rosanna Longenbaker | all galleries >> Spain >> Home Stay: Madrid > Museo Arqueológico 1
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October 6, 2001 Rosanna Longenbaker

Museo Arqueológico 1

Madrid, Spain

While I studied abroad, I tried to visit a museum or do another activity every weekend. This was
not always possible because sometimes I had too much homework to go anywhere. I was able to
visit so many places because our program reimbursed the costs for cultural events. For some
events they would pay the full ticket cost, for others they would give us back a portion of the money we spent. I should also mention that for the most part museum admissions in Spain and France cost much less than museum admissions in the United States. Also, I got the student rate for all museum admissions because I had an International Student Identity Card. Everyone in our group was required to have one. You can obtain these cards at your college campus before leaving the United States or for more information visit their web site.

The first museum I visited in Madrid was the Museo Arqueológico (Archaeology Museum). This was one of my two favorite museums in Spain. Outside of the museum is a replica of a cave with prehistoric paintings. Inside there are many medal plates with writing on them. I think they were made by the ancient Greeks or Estruscans. The basement had mummies and many small artifacts. On the top floor was a changing exhibit that talked about beauty.

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