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Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata'

Common Name: Fragrant Winter Daphne
Outstanding evergreen foliage with yellow margins. Performs well and blooms in the shade.
Plant near a walk or entrance where intense fragrance can be appreciated in late winter/early spring.

Available at:   Rick's Custom Nursery

other sizes: small medium original auto
Diane 20-Sep-2009 16:31
We have camelias against our house and they get plenty of blooms but never open they seem to burn up and dry out. This bush is very established and tall it does not get much sun at all however we can't move it and would like to enjoy these great blooms. Any suggestions? Thanks
Helen Wallis 08-Jun-2009 10:59
I was given a Daphne Odora Aureomarginata as a present 18 months years ago. Unfortunately it was left in a pot for the first winter and looked quite sparse of leaves in the spring. I thought I would do it a favour and plant it in a container as I wasn't too sure where it would do well in the garden It doesn't have a great deal of leaves on and didn't flower this spring. Can you tell me where I might be going wrong. Also I was thinking of planting it against a north facing wall near an entrance. Do you think this would be alright? It does get early morning sun until around 11 am.

I would appreciate any help as I am really keen on getting it right and look forward to it looking like the picture on your website and also to enjoy its perfume next spring!!.

Thank you.
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