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Bob Moul | all galleries >> INSECTS >> BEETLES (Coleoptera) >> FAMILY SCARABAEIDAE > Japanese Beetle
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30-JUL-2007 Click pic to return to gallery

Japanese Beetle

Popillia japonica

Family Scarabaeidae

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Carol Rollins31-Jul-2007 19:25
Great shot, Bob! Excellent detail and colors! V.
Guest 31-Jul-2007 12:17
a beauty.
Carole Stevens31-Jul-2007 11:42
Wow stunning find he's a beauty, so envious that colour and detail is superb!
edwina beaumont31-Jul-2007 07:54
superb colour and I love those antennae
Marjan Schavemaker31-Jul-2007 05:38
Beautiful, Bob! -V-
Yi Feng31-Jul-2007 02:26
Beautiful close-Up!