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ragnarandren | all galleries >> Galleries >> Av människa gjort > Den Japanska lönnen på kvällen i dimma och motljus
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Den Japanska lönnen på kvällen i dimma och motljus

Our Japanese maple in the evening in backlight and fog

samsung SM-N960F
1/9s f/1.5 at 4.3mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Anna & Christian RECK02-Apr-2019 07:33
It would be a beautiful painting!! BV. Anna
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)10-Mar-2019 18:42
Wonderful capture and light.V
Juliette01-Mar-2019 13:07
beautiful light and mood
Ursula Miller28-Feb-2019 07:12
Beautiful capture of this sunset! V