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Enrique | all galleries >> Galleries >> Other Water Birds > Black Necked Stilt
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Black Necked Stilt

Scottsdale, AZ

Canon EOS 1D Mark II ,Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM ,1.4X TC
1/2500s f/5.6 at 700.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Herb 14-Nov-2005 14:28
Nice shot
Bryan Murahashi14-Nov-2005 06:34
Great capture.
William G. Mancebo14-Nov-2005 06:12
A very nice and crisp capture. Good job on the WB!
boegheim14-Nov-2005 06:05
Great Catch, I try for a few months to capture a shop of a flying bird, but it's so hard to get it sharp and good composed...
well done..