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Phil Douglis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Forty-Three: When doors, arches and gates express ideas > Mind the step, Durango, Colorado, 2010
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Mind the step, Durango, Colorado, 2010

What initially may look like a step is not. It is just a lighter color stone, set into the foundation of this old house. It’s a long way from the sidewalk to the base of this old door, giving it a very incongruous setting. I liked the way the color of the glowing reddish light within the house is echoed by the red flowers in the box on the wall. The pink flowers pick up the color of the wall, as well.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1
1/125s f/4.5 at 84.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Phil Douglis23-Jun-2010 18:54
Thanks for noticing the contribution of the red curb here, Rose. As for the flower watering task, I trust that someone in that house has a ladder.
sunlightpix23-Jun-2010 01:01
Beautiful layers of reds, including the curb. Looks like you'd have to be pretty tall to water the flowers.
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