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Oliver Knott | all galleries >> Fish Tank's >> 360 Liter - "Tanganjika-Lake" > 360 Liter - Tanganjika-Lake -
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360 Liter - Tanganjika-Lake -

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Oliver Knott the aqua creator03-Dec-2009 14:53
faudzan image 85802740 - 360 Liter - Tanganjika-Lake - private | delete 15-Nov-2009 15:10:16
wow this scape..want to ask something about the green color on the rock.. is that some kind of mosses..??

This is no moss, only few light algae on the stones because of the strong lightning.

Best regards, Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott the aqua creator05-Nov-2007 12:54
Mikhail image 85802740 - 360 Liter - Tanganjika-Lake - hide | delete 24-Oct-2007 21:03:10
what kind stones in this tank

"Chinese light Pagoden Stones"

Regards, Oliver Knott
Mikhail 24-Oct-2007 21:03
what kind stones in this tank