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pkocinski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images from 2013 - Year Seven > Yes !!!!
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Yes !!!!

Can you tell I'm a Red Sox fan :-)

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Helen Betts11-Oct-2013 21:20
Great color and light, and I like how it fills the entire frame.
Bryan Murahashi11-Oct-2013 04:35
Very nice!
Guest 10-Oct-2013 23:27
Eye-catching! Hope all your wishes are fulfilled.
Kevin Warren10-Oct-2013 18:52
Loud and clear, me too - Go Sox!
Sam Rua09-Oct-2013 20:43
That's the spirit. Nice capture.
Ed Preston09-Oct-2013 14:30
Better than those other sox! Can you tell I'm a Cubs fan! At least you finally won a few years back, my Great-Great-Grandkids will still be saying..... Wait til next year! Good luck!
Jim Coffman09-Oct-2013 14:24
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