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pkocinski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images from 2013 - Year Seven > It's That Time Again...
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It's That Time Again... pick up the leaves. Even though we haven't even had a frost yet, the leaves are dropping without even changing color. My huge Maple drops a giant circle underneath it and about every three days I've been going out and picking them up because it's way too many to mulch into my lawn. I bag the leaves and take them to the town recycle facility.
This is the one part of Autumn I'm really not fond of...

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Helen Betts08-Oct-2013 21:50
We noticed the same thing in Budapest -- lost of leaves dropping with no color. Good luck with the cleanup!
janescottcumming08-Oct-2013 00:52
That's got a lot of leaves to go...sad there is not good color.
Guest 07-Oct-2013 14:38
We are fortunate to have but one leaf tree, all the others are Blue Spruce.
I put all the leaves on my garden and rototill them in...
Jim Peterson07-Oct-2013 11:58
better get busy! same here, I have five mature maple trees on my corner lot.....
Guest 07-Oct-2013 07:40
It looks as though your tree has plenty more leaves yet to fall. I'm with the mulching set - the leaves work magic when spread under shrubs and on flower beds.
Bryan Murahashi07-Oct-2013 04:10
That's a big tree to clean up every Fall. Too bad there are no colors this year.
Coleen Perilloux Landry07-Oct-2013 00:28
Can't you use them in your flower beds as mulch. I never throw a leaf away. I wonder if the color will come a little later.
Ed Preston07-Oct-2013 00:14
Me neither, I'm glad most of my trees are on the bluff and don't need to be raked! Good luck.
Jim Coffman07-Oct-2013 00:02
I hate the leaf falling part of fall! I try to mulch when possible but it isn't always possible. :(
Sam Rua06-Oct-2013 23:37
That must be disappoint to have them drop without much color. And that looks like it must drop a huge amount of leaves! When I was commuting for work in Madison, WI I used to bring home bags of leaves every weekend so my kids could experience fall. Oh, he looks I got from folks as I was picking beautiful leaves from the trees and stuffing them into a hotel laundry bag.
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