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I Opened My Mouth Too Soon...

Earlier today I laughed at Rick Bricker because he had to shovel snow already. Guess who's laughing now...

It will be gone tomorrow so I'm not worried.

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Sam Rua27-Nov-2011 17:38
It doesn't seem all that long ago that you were just finishing up with the snow from the season. What did you get, like what, a 3 month break?
J. Scott Coile22-Nov-2011 21:38
Jean D22-Nov-2011 02:24
All that snow must unfortunately be headed our way!! We have been very lucky so far although the temperature has been quite frigid over the past few days.
January Grey21-Nov-2011 10:27
least you didn't get snowed in! nice light dusting of the white stuff!
Cindi Smith21-Nov-2011 01:03
Doesn't look like it is sticking to the cement yet. It is way early for us to see anything remotely like this. :)
Bryan Murahashi20-Nov-2011 03:47
A fabulous Winter lawn. V
Chris Spracklen19-Nov-2011 23:35
Ah, the ole white stuff.
Won't see any of that here for a while yet, Patti ~ if at all!
Tom Munson19-Nov-2011 00:53
It's to early for now, but it's also snowing here. Nice shot!
Guest 18-Nov-2011 23:03
I'm already shoveling snow and have been for awhile...
Guest 18-Nov-2011 07:47
Can't help smiling at the story here. Hope the snow doesn't cause many problems.
Peter Stahl18-Nov-2011 02:28
Don't feel bad we got about 8" today and -20. :-(
Walter Otto Koenig18-Nov-2011 00:56
Compared to past snow image you've posted, this is just a slight dusting. :)
Ed Preston18-Nov-2011 00:19
Oh come on Patti, you didn't have to shovel! Very pretty when it's like this. :-)
Coleen Perilloux Landry17-Nov-2011 23:53
He who laughs last....Cold front has reached us, too. Freeze tonight.
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