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Finally... Welcome Back Home Sgt David Lemcke

This is the Patriot Riders Guard from the funeral procession for Sgt David Lemcke.

Sgt Lemcke had been MIA since May 21, 1968 when he was killed (at age 20) near the DMZ in Vietnam.

It's been a long 43 years but they finally recovered his remains, dog tags and glasses (imagine that)
in June of this year and he was brought back to his hometown this week.

There are still 6 other local soldiers who are MIA from Vietnam. I hope one day they are brought back home too.

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Rick Bricker04-Dec-2011 17:41
Nice tribute Patti.Glad they could finally bring him home.Sad and yet joyous event.
bluebirdstar19-Nov-2011 22:59
Oh my - my heart goes out to them... BV
Chris Spracklen16-Nov-2011 13:39
A wonderful tribute to a grave hero, Patti. *V*
Bryan Murahashi16-Nov-2011 06:09
Wonderful rolling tribute for his return home.
J. Scott Coile15-Nov-2011 22:51
Sad but inspirational!
Guest 15-Nov-2011 09:52
A powerful tribute. The pain never ends.
Brian Collins Art14-Nov-2011 04:12
wonderfully captured. Very touching. Let's hope they all make it home soon. V
Guest 13-Nov-2011 18:34
I'm glad his remains have been found and returned to his family, closure for the loss of a loved one is important for healing...
Tom Munson13-Nov-2011 15:24
A sad story, but glad he's home now.
Jim Coffman13-Nov-2011 13:17
A very sad time but now there is closure.Well captured image.He would have been proud!
Cindi Smith13-Nov-2011 05:53
So sad but I'm glad the Patriot Riders were there. I'm sure his family can now rest easier that he is home and they know. Still so sad. Welcome Home, Sgt Lemcke! Rest in peace.
Ted Busby13-Nov-2011 04:19
Very touching tribute Patti...GOD Rest His Soul.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)13-Nov-2011 04:01
Home with loved ones; who now have closure. A very fitting tribute.
January Grey13-Nov-2011 03:55
Sad story, but a very nice tribute.
Wayne Brasch13-Nov-2011 02:22
Very sad events. Nice tribute and nice to have Sgt Lemcke back home.
Coleen Perilloux Landry13-Nov-2011 02:06
How very sad. Wonderful tribute.
Ed Preston13-Nov-2011 01:38
So sad but also closure for for the family. Like the prospective on this Patti.
Mairéad13-Nov-2011 01:13
A sad story- hopefully his family can get some closure after all these years. A very strong image.
Jean D13-Nov-2011 00:48
Thanks for sharing this image and descriptive caption, Patti. Finally he will be put to rest in his homeland. Very touching procession.
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