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A New Find For Me

Tuesday while having a chance to take a walk in the local park, I came across this large shrub called "Glory Bower" in the Clerodendrum Trichotomum family (thank goodness they put name tags on the shrubs or I could never find out what they are).

Info I could find on it on the Internet says it's invasive
so I am surprised to find it in a park that has lots of rare trees, shrubs and plants.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Rick Bricker08-Nov-2011 18:25
Funny how something this pretty could be invasive....not to funny though I guess after it's invaded!
Nice shot Patti.V
Brian Collins Art01-Nov-2011 20:51
It looks like candy on the shrub. V
Chris Spracklen18-Oct-2011 22:06
New to me, too, Patti.
Sharp shot of this unusual colour combination. (V)
Bryan Murahashi14-Oct-2011 16:30
Beautiful proud blue berry and excellent capture. V
Tom Munson14-Oct-2011 14:42
It is indeed beautiful! Nice work!
Jean D14-Oct-2011 01:14
Beautiful find with very striking colours.
J. Scott Coile13-Oct-2011 20:36
Already going to fruit. I'll bet it easily reseeds soon.
Guest 13-Oct-2011 15:59
A new one for me as well..
Nice image...
January Grey13-Oct-2011 02:34
How beautiful! They look like Blueberry flowers! Nice find...great capture!
larose forest photos13-Oct-2011 01:32
It's beautiful. That combination of pink and blue is striking. V
Jim Coffman13-Oct-2011 00:28
How cool is that!! Very nice fine and capture!
Ed Preston13-Oct-2011 00:11
Well invasive or not, it sure is a beauty! Nice macro and DOF Patti!
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