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pkocinski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Every So Often in 2010 - Year Four > Creek Tracks
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Creek Tracks

Since not too much exciting is happening weather wise (or otherwise) I pulled out this image from earlier in the month when it was Winter here. Right now almost all the snow is gone - all that's left are the piles where snow was pushed by plows. It's been staying right around freezing with no precipitation (and none is really predicted for the week).
Guess this is our January thaw :-(

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Bryan Murahashi23-Nov-2011 06:31
Fabulous capture of all the critter tracks. V
J. Scott Coile20-Jan-2010 20:46
The light really guides me in.
Paula Krugerud20-Jan-2010 05:15
I agree...all the animal tracks add interesting detail to a pretty winter image. The long shadows set the mood. Very nice.
Jeff Lobaugh20-Jan-2010 04:55
Love all of the little animal tracks!
Glenn D.20-Jan-2010 02:58
Neat view of critters testing their weight.
Cindi Smith20-Jan-2010 02:27
Love the tracks...look like deer tracks. Love the pov and the image. This is beautiful! V
Ed Preston20-Jan-2010 01:44
Nice eye for the reflection Patti.
Guest 20-Jan-2010 00:06
Great image, Sounds like Utah weather.
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