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Nice White Snow and Blue Sky Too

Although it was pretty cold today (got all the way up to 16F) there wasn't much wind and the sun came out for a good part of the afternoon and it was very pleasant. My street is plowed but as you can see the snow piles are starting to add up.
It's getting harder to throw the snow to the top of the pile :-)

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Ed Preston10-Jan-2010 17:26
Boy do I know that "how high can it go" feeling! Very nice outdoors capture Patti!
Glenn D.10-Jan-2010 14:45
A touch of blue is always nice to see; though, as you say, it does mean it's colder. Take it easy tossing that snow.
Cindi Smith10-Jan-2010 06:25
Tis beautiful but don't eat the yellow snow! That's a lot of stuff piled up...are you guys getting a break for a while? Love the image!
Guest 10-Jan-2010 01:00
All those storms have been missing us..
Nice image...
Mairéad10-Jan-2010 00:59
Guess we shouldn't complain over here but we're just not geared up to dealing with snow.
Lovely shot BTW
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