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Getting Some Real Depth

This is my backyard snow depth tonight. We've gotten all this since New Year's Day and it looks like it will continue for several more days...

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Peter Stahl10-Jan-2010 00:57
Now thats a pile of snow. Looks like your work is cut out for you now. ~
J. Scott Coile05-Jan-2010 19:32
Now THAT'S snow!
Mairéad05-Jan-2010 19:23
Hmmmmmm - we get less than an inch and the country grinds to a halt.....
Guest 05-Jan-2010 05:12
Beleive it or not Patti, we could use some of that...
Paula Krugerud05-Jan-2010 03:51
My goodness! We've got a lot of snowing to do yet to catch up with you!
Russ Rose05-Jan-2010 02:47
WOW - We only had an inch of rain today.
Glenn D.05-Jan-2010 02:15
What we don't see is the guy under the snow reaching upwards with this in his hand ;)
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