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Lake Effect Is Kicking In

I just finished shoveling off about 2 inches of fresh light fluffy snow tonight and decided to capture it since they are predicting 2 to 5 inches of lake effect tonight and another 4 to 6 inches on Sunday. So what if it's 11F outside with a wind chill of -5F - it's so quiet and pretty I just love being out in it when the snow squeaks under your boots as you walk!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Glenn D.04-Jan-2010 01:13
Squeaking snow, a few lights - a perfect, quiet suburban scene!
Walter Otto Koenig03-Jan-2010 18:37
Nice shot with this lighting. I remember the lake effect well from living in the Cleveland area, and you're right there's something magical about walking in fresh snow.
Guest 03-Jan-2010 17:15
Very nice image Patti..
Cindi Smith03-Jan-2010 05:57
Love how the light glistens on the snow! Quite beautiful. One thing I like about snow is it is always so quiet.....
Jeff Lobaugh03-Jan-2010 03:06
I REALLY don't miss snow anymore! Have fun with your lake effect evening!
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