About a half hour to an hour from the ranch there was a slide (I think I remember this right). This was past a sign that said rock slide area and a large rocky area that required carefully walking across. The rock was solid, but a slip or trip could be fatal. I thought about turning around at the slide but could see where footholds had been "kicked"? in. And tested each one. It was a bit awkward, esp. with a pack. I did not think to take a picture until much later.
Quail Creek, if I remember right did have an odd smell. I had been to Zane Cabin before so I decided to skip the long smooth descent down to it on the downstream end. There was also a steeper trail at the upstream end (if I could have found it).
I forget what the camp here looked like, I think was nice, and the one at Ditch Creek was lovely.
But this was too early to make camp so I went on to Meadow Creek.