jubilee was in '67 death was 1978 - Father Edward M. Hartigan 1889-1978 ordained 1917 jubilee photo 1967 fifty years.
Father Edward Hartigan and his sisters Mary and Gertrude and their brothers Jeremiah, James, and John were second cousins of Commander John Barrett 1888-1969. They grew up at corner D and Third Streets South Boston where Jack Barrett often saw them.Jack was very close with their mother and their older brother James, a journalist who died of spinal tuberculosis 1912. After graduation from Boston College 1911 Edward Hartigan accepted appointment at West Point Military Academy and was a classmate of future Army Generals Dwight Eisenh0ower, Omar Bradley, and James Van Fleet, but when his older brother James died, he felt needed at home and resigned and entered the priesthood 1917. He was in North Weymouth a number of years and 1953-1970 pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Everett.HAbout 1924 he founded Camp Cedar Crest for boys and girls in Green Harbor, Marshfield, on the Massachusetts South Shore, and his family retired there in the 1970s. His mother adopted a considerably younger girl Dorothy, who became Mrs. James Dunn and whose family were very close with the Hartigans. The youngest of the Hartigan brothers, John, also had a family of four or five who were in the Green Harbor area. Father Hartigan met O Farrell second cousins at Kilbarry, Bandon county Cork while touring 1929, and his sister May was very helpful when Sophie and John Barrett traced Jack's mother's relatives 1970-1971. Sean O Farrell and his sisters Sheila Hennessy and Joan Collins remembered Father Hartigan's 1929 visit and identified scenes in photos he took there. Jack Barrett attended Father Hartigan's 1967 golden jubilee- fifty years a priest, where Boston Cardinal Richard Cushing officiated. Jack was re-united on that occasion with two of his Buckley first cousins in Melrose, Gertrude and Alice Buckley, daughters of his uncle John Buckley and Jenny Cain, born in Warrington near liverpool England.Sophie Barrett enjoyed many visits with the Hartigans at Green Harbor Marshfield. May Hartigan taught mathermatics at Washington Irving School, Roslindale and lived with her mother and sister Gertrude at 80 Brown Avenue near Sacred Heart Church.