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photogallery | all galleries >> Galleries >> CAMP CEDARCREST in GREEN HARBOR, MA > Cedarcrest Memories - 1938
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Cedarcrest Memories - 1938

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Here's another photo for the web page. It shows my sister
and me during our two weeks at Camp Cedar Crest in 1938. We
lived in Dorchester but it seemed like most of the kids were
from Charlestown. While at camp, swimming in the surf was
one of my favorite activities and I clearly remember the
ride to the beach in the open-back beach wagon. On returning
from the beach we washed off the salt at a long trough of a
sink with multiple cold-water-only faucets. Once while
washing off, the water pipes delivered a small jolt of
electricity to us from an approaching thunderstorm. See,
your web page brings back all kinds of memories! Good job.

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photogallery23-Mar-2014 21:51
Kat Greenstein make non-public | delete 12-Feb-2014 01:40
I also remember the gas station down the street we would go and get a soda I loved birch beer and also the Pantry Shelf was a restaurant near the camp my parents and then my little sister would go there when they visited. I met my first boyfriend there in 1967 I was 15yrs old he was 14. kathi (condardo)greenstein
photogallery23-Mar-2014 21:50
I was a camper in 1966 and a waitress in 1967 and 68. I thought it was the best place to escape my parents till I found out there was daily mass and rules rules rules my mum knew evidently what she was doing when she sent me for the entire summer keep me out of trouble lol. anyway im 62 now had two children 33 and 27 girl and boy and one beautiful granddaughter. I remember the food fights in the refectory sneaking out to the boys camp and the dances every two weeks. loads of fun and fond memories kathi (Condardo) Greenstein
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