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Hills Pond Cottage

HILLS POND - ALTON, NH - Located on Hills Pond between the boat ramp and beach 3, this northerly facing cottage features three bedrooms (2 with a queen size bed and 1 with twin beds), one bath and a large open area downstairs with living, dining and kitchen space opening onto a large deck with spectacular views of the Belknap Mountains. Located seven miles from Alton Bay, on scenic mountain roads, this home affords a great starting off point for all lakes region activities. Comfortably accommodates six. Amenities include; full kitchen, cable TV, kayaks, hammock, outdoor firepit, color TV, DVD player and all cooking utensils and appliances. There is no cell phone reception! For more information on Hills Pond see CLICK on each PHOTO to ENLARGE Contact mcdude @ or mwgillespie1 @
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The New Balcony - 2008
The New Balcony - 2008
Cottage from Lake
Cottage from Lake
View of Dock and Straightback Mountain
View of Dock and Straightback Mountain
4th of July
4th of July
Cottage from Kayak
Cottage from Kayak
Sunset from Deck
Sunset from Deck
Bedroom #1
Bedroom #1
Bedroom #2
Bedroom #2
The Lucy & Ricky Room - Guest Room
"The Lucy & Ricky Room" - Guest Room
Cottage from Driveway
Cottage from Driveway
Cottage from Kayak
Cottage from Kayak
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