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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Galleries >> Colourful > 20080608 - Crimson
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20080608 - Crimson

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Don't know what these are either, they were growing out of the castle walls at Richmond.

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM
1/800s f/3.2 at 135.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Piet & Elsabé Enslin09-Jun-2008 13:15
Beatiful, must be 'Richmond castle wall flowers'
Maaike Huizer09-Jun-2008 07:12
Great work. Beautiful red.
Denise J. Johnson09-Jun-2008 04:29
Very nice! It's like a mirror image behind it. I love the DOF! Nice blurry stuff and nice sharpy stuff too! :)
Jason Anderson09-Jun-2008 03:51
They must be wallflowers then ;o) Very very nicely done.
Russ Rose09-Jun-2008 03:48
Laryl08-Jun-2008 17:21
beautiful with the background made of the subject.. pretty