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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Photo a Day >> PaD July 2009 > 20090715 - Don't Burst My Bubble
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20090715 - Don't Burst My Bubble

...or "Destruction of the Death-Star"?

Had so much fun with this I decided to make a gallery

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/200s f/11.0 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Nick Vivian10-Nov-2009 10:16
amazing.. big V
Lee G28-Aug-2009 20:41
This is very cool! Nice stop action work, Phillip.
JW17-Jul-2009 18:07
The moment!
Doug Cruden16-Jul-2009 20:37
It looks like a hairy paw at first...I thought you'd been done over by The Beast, but had yet still managed to get a quick tog at it :o)). Great creativity, and super execution...V. lol@JJ too :o)
Sheila16-Jul-2009 09:29
Wow. Fantastic timing!
Scott Browne16-Jul-2009 01:01
Well caught.
Carole Stevens15-Jul-2009 23:55
Lol@JJ fantastic action shot Phillip, yeah another sci-fi fan, love this pik!
jlm15-Jul-2009 22:30

I'm afraid !
...Phone, home... (not sure for the translate)
Mairéad15-Jul-2009 21:18
Was getting worried - thought it was coming straight at us,
great work.
Stewart Mitchell15-Jul-2009 21:17
Exquisitely lit, quite a party trick!!
Guest 15-Jul-2009 20:32
Certainly captured the moment, to catch the bubble before it fully collapses.
You get to decide if you want to claim skill or good luck for this one..
Faye White15-Jul-2009 20:31
hahaha - this is great! I bought some bubble stuff the other day... haven't done anything with it yet. :)
Kevin Chester15-Jul-2009 20:20
LOL at JJ, but it only takes nano seconds.....for each of the 300000 shots. Well caught.
malcolm haslam15-Jul-2009 20:19
Fantastic shot Phil...
Johnny JAG15-Jul-2009 20:01
Does the term "too much time on your hands" mean anything?