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Pete Ganzel | all galleries >> Tinkering >> Minolta Dimage 7i Disassembly Photos > Front Casting Screw 0435.jpg
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Front Casting Screw 0435.jpg

There are two long screws on either side of the EVF that have a high shoulder.
These thread into the front casting and must be removed to release the front casting.
The right screw is buried behind some wires but is accessable.
Not necessary or desireable to completely remove the screws, just unscrew them.

Minolta DiMAGE 7
1/180s f/9.5 at 50.7mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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ændrük 08-Nov-2009 22:45
Thanks for the tip! I spent forever looking for these.