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Pete Ganzel | all galleries >> Tinkering >> sony_minolta_antishake_failure_ > AS Assembly Sensor 0008.jpg
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AS Assembly Sensor 0008.jpg

Anti Shake and sensor assembly.
Broken Piezo actuator is in lower right corner.
Only the horizontal rod was broken in this camera (KM 5D).
See detail photo of the broken rod.

Hall sensor IC and moving permanent magnet is at far left.

Minolta DiMAGE 7
1/45s f/4.0 at 49.5mm iso100 full exif

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Jan 03-Oct-2011 14:35
Hi Pete,
may i please ask you if this repair should/could make the AS mechanism work again? I just tried to proceed the same way with my 5D, however, the failure remains, only there are now no vibrations at startup. It seems though, that the camera does not center the sensor at start-up, too (there is quite a lot of friction when trying to move the frame by hand). I would really appreciate your comment on this, since i do not know if i should keep trying. Thanks a lot in advance.
Ludwig A 09-Nov-2010 20:39
Hi Pete

and thanks for the answer. You said that is no repair for broken piezo actuator but then I wounder how you could manage to repair the piezo rod which you showing on these pictures ? I quote your words : "Ceramic Piezo rod was glued back together with superglue and reinforced with strips of tyvek soaked in superglue."

I know that is difficult to do that because, in my case, the vertical piezo rod is broken and it's hard to find place to work on it but don't you thing that it could be manageable ?

Anyway, are you interest to have some pictures I took under the A100 disassembly ? Maybe you could publish those for people how are curious to see the inside of the Sony A100, ( It would be free of any royalty and you could use them freely :-)
Pete Ganzel09-Nov-2010 00:22

There is no repair for a broken piezo rod.
It must be replaced with a new or used one.
You could try to salvage one from a junk camera as the parts are probably unavailable reasonably from Sony.

Ludwig A 08-Nov-2010 21:30
Hi again
I find the problem and it's a broken vertically piezo actuator ! Now the question is how to get to it to repair that ?
Ludwig A 07-Nov-2010 20:37
Hi, I took a part my Sony A100 which showed the same dreaded antishake failure. By looking the sensor assembly I can't see that the vertical or horizontal rod to be broken. Should the assembly move easy and freely or it should be some resistants to it in any direction. can you give me some advice, please ? A took a tons of pictures and I'm willing to share with you if you can give me where to send them and which quality. Thanks

Ludwig A