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Peter Sussex | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Shacks > shack-29
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Nikon D5100
1/400s f/10.0 at 24.0mm iso800 full exif

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Lieve Snellings05-Feb-2014 18:32
Another great composition ! V
Jeff Real05-Feb-2014 03:46
An amazing are a master of the compelling composition ~V~
larose forest photos05-Feb-2014 01:25
Rich colour in this striking scene. V
janescottcumming05-Feb-2014 01:03
Great framing! V
Tom LeRoy04-Feb-2014 16:39
Excellent frame, lively colors and view. Very effective composition! V
Gary Hudes04-Feb-2014 15:32
Outstanding composition, Peter. Like two different worlds across the water. V
Marcia Rules03-Feb-2014 22:33
this grabs me and holds on tight ~BV
Jan Bakker03-Feb-2014 17:20
Wonderful composition, colors and reflections! Big Vote!
Walter Otto Koenig03-Feb-2014 16:49
Great composition with this perspective and framing. I like the contrast of subject in the foreground and background. "V"
Fong Lam03-Feb-2014 15:52
Excellent composition with great POV and colors...V
Patricia Kay03-Feb-2014 11:00
Fabulous composition Peter...BV
settler03-Feb-2014 10:10
It's better this side of the water..V!
Raymond Ma03-Feb-2014 05:43
It is quite the contrast from a seemingly tranquil water community to the
industry beyond. V
Don Mottershead03-Feb-2014 04:22
Fascinating contrast. ~V~
Carol How03-Feb-2014 00:05
Wonderful combination of tones and elements…superb image! V
Stephanie02-Feb-2014 23:09
Great candid Peter! V
Richard Marcus02-Feb-2014 22:50
Wonderful composition, Peter! The rich colors in the foreground contrast well with the soft factory and white smoke plume in the distance. Beautiful work! V.
Karen Stuebing02-Feb-2014 22:23
Interesting juxtaposition of the old shacks with the modern industry across the water. Like two different worlds. V.
Martin Lamoon02-Feb-2014 21:49
Like the modern industrial look between the timber houses.
Neil Marcus02-Feb-2014 20:51
An effective foreground as a counterpoint to the delicate background. Beautiful! "V"
Pepe Lugash02-Feb-2014 20:46
An enviable shot. What a great vantage point!
joseantonio02-Feb-2014 20:27
Love the way you framed this.V.
Blandine Mangin02-Feb-2014 20:12
wonderful compo ! v
Jim Coffman02-Feb-2014 19:52
Well composed and captured,Peter!!
Helen Betts02-Feb-2014 19:45
Excellent composition and beautiful reflections. Super capture, Peter! V.
Jim's Atavistic Visions02-Feb-2014 19:34
Nice work Peter.
Paul L-R02-Feb-2014 19:20
Great pov and love the reflection of the smoke in the water V
Photo Club Pavillonnais02-Feb-2014 19:03
Superb composition !! V
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