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Peter Sussex | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Bit of Croatia > Ploce
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Nikon D40
1/150s f/16.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
J S Quesada02-Mar-2013 18:54
Fantastic framing and excellent composition. Wonderful B&W. BV
Paul L-R12-Sep-2012 02:46
Great composition and lovely tonal quality V
Raphael_E29-Aug-2012 08:49
Simply excellent, Peter !! BV.
XiaoBernard9927-Aug-2012 05:50
The relief of this picture ids excellent.Superb details
Dan Opdal20-Aug-2012 14:50
Fantastic Capture! BV
Dan Greenberg19-Aug-2012 14:09
Great idea for a frame! Well done B&W that is quite interesting and artistic. ~BV~
Milan Vogrin16-Aug-2012 18:08
Very nice compo!
Lieve Snellings16-Aug-2012 14:39
fantastic POV ! V
Roland15-Aug-2012 19:30
A stunning image, very different and sharp as a tack. A great and creative eye Peter. V
zonedout14-Aug-2012 23:27
Very cool shot! V V ...z
LynnH14-Aug-2012 01:34
Cool framing! V
theleftcoast12-Aug-2012 08:17
Wow wonderful photo, frame this baby Peter!!
shatterbug11-Aug-2012 06:24
Clever composition!
globalgadabout10-Aug-2012 15:40
fabulous framing...wonderful DOF with the small aperture...a masterful image...V
Lennart Waara09-Aug-2012 09:21
Wow, imaginative and creative POV and a great picture! Excellent camera work Peter to say the least...
Guest 09-Aug-2012 08:05
Excellent work Peter! great composition.
Martin Lamoon09-Aug-2012 06:40
Excellent photography. V
Carol How09-Aug-2012 06:07
That is just superb! V
borisalex09-Aug-2012 05:46
Now this is a most creative composition and so good B&W image. Love the dark tones and sharpness! V.
peterjay4509-Aug-2012 01:05
This is outstanding, Peter.
bill friedlander09-Aug-2012 00:59
Sharp foreground, sharp background, and lovely light and tones. Now that is framing! V
Jim Coffman08-Aug-2012 23:27
Very cool image,Peter!
lou_rozensteins08-Aug-2012 22:32
Interesting shot. Great detail throughout.
Jim's Atavistic Visions08-Aug-2012 22:20
DOF on steroids!
Tom Briggs08-Aug-2012 21:46
Very interesting and exceptionally well composed ... v
John Hamers08-Aug-2012 21:27
Fantastic composition and wonderful B&W tones !!V
Mairéad08-Aug-2012 21:10
Very well composed image.
marie-jose wolff08-Aug-2012 20:48
very fine composition! V
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