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Arnie Peterschmidt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-per-Day > March 28
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14-Oct-2019 Arnie Peterschmidt

March 28

Steps between the underground magazine and the gun deck at Fort Casey.

Nikon Z 6
6s f/7.1 at 16.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 29-Mar-2020 20:44
Stairway to heaven?
globalgadabout29-Mar-2020 18:02
the graphic strength and tonal range are impressive...there is a slight hint of mystery too..
Walter Otto Koenig29-Mar-2020 16:45
Excellent with these tones, perspective and exposure. Great job with this. "V"
Ton T.29-Mar-2020 12:51
Marvelous result Arnie! V
Bryan Murahashi29-Mar-2020 03:58
Fabulous capture.
Gill Kopy29-Mar-2020 02:30
Super composition and perfect material for B&W V
Carl Carbone28-Mar-2020 21:22
Wonderful black and white study.
joseantonio28-Mar-2020 21:06
very nice perspective with a lovely light.V.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography28-Mar-2020 21:04
Excellent capture indeed, Voted.
John Vass28-Mar-2020 20:46
I agree with Dan! This is really good! Gonna have to go over to Fort Casey sometime just to look around! Drive by it but have never stopped! 30+ years and never took the time! Go figure! V
Dan Greenberg28-Mar-2020 20:30
Fantastic Arnie! A very compelling composition with wonderful capture of light, tones and textures, A classic B&W masterpiece. ~VVV~
Ken Zaret28-Mar-2020 20:19
Nice clean shot, good contrasts.
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