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Arnie Peterschmidt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-per-Day > December 8
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December 8

Crescent Harbor Marsh.

Nikon Z 6
1/15s f/6.3 at 64.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ton T.16-Dec-2019 20:54
Yes! Well seen! V
globalgadabout15-Dec-2019 03:46
like a poem written in runes..
Pieter Bos11-Dec-2019 12:09
Well seen and done! ~V
Bryan Murahashi10-Dec-2019 05:29
Great monochrome reflections.
Bill Miller10-Dec-2019 00:10
Nice composed with the graphic picture
Carl Carbone08-Dec-2019 22:31
Great work. Very well seen and captured.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)08-Dec-2019 20:27
Eccellente! VVV
Walter Otto Koenig08-Dec-2019 20:24
A different kind of Rorschach Test. Great job with this. "V"
joseantonio08-Dec-2019 19:23
looks like an abstract painting.Well captured.V.
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