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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Galleries >> Canon Fisheye Zoom > Assut de l'Or Bridge and L'Ągora at Dawn
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09 April 2016 Sam Rua

Assut de l'Or Bridge and L'Ągora at Dawn

Valencia, Spain

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Nirvan Hope25-Jul-2016 04:22
Reminds me somehow of resonant sound vibration...
Julie Oldfield25-Jul-2016 02:38
Amazing image. The fisheye creates a world of its own. V
Marcia Rules24-Jul-2016 22:27
a perfect subject for the fisheye. V
peterjay4524-Jul-2016 17:47
Great fisheye image, wonderful colour and mood. Outstanding photography indeed.
Tom Munson24-Jul-2016 15:14
The amazing fisheye. Great shot, Sam.
Nick Paoni24-Jul-2016 14:21
A stunning shot- I love your presentation.
Jeff Real24-Jul-2016 13:11
What a brilliant way to capture this scene ~V~
Stephanie24-Jul-2016 11:00
Amazingly beautiful image Sam! I really want a fisheye lens! VVV
Tom LeRoy24-Jul-2016 07:35
One of your best shots with that cool FE lens, Sam. A fine atmosphere. V
Dan Greenberg24-Jul-2016 04:55
Super cool fisheye image. Love the way the lights sparkle against the darker background.
Gill Kopy24-Jul-2016 03:35
This is breath taking Sam - the architect had amazing vision BV
Helen Betts24-Jul-2016 01:41
Just superb, Sam, and such an interesting effect with the fisheye.
Allan Jay23-Jul-2016 23:45
Excellent use of the fisheye!
Hank Vander Velde23-Jul-2016 22:00
SUPERB image Sam.
Hank Vander Velde23-Jul-2016 22:00
SUPERB image Sam.
Neil Marcus23-Jul-2016 21:06
That Fish Eye is a great tool and your pictures with it are fascinating. "V"
joseantonio23-Jul-2016 19:49
great use of the fish-eye here...congratulations.V.
globalgadabout23-Jul-2016 19:23
an awe-inspiring image...immaculate photography Sam...V
Jim Coffman23-Jul-2016 19:16
Pretty fantastic, Sam!!
Walter Otto Koenig23-Jul-2016 19:03
Neat shot with the fisheye. Nice clarity and colors.
Jess. ( Lady.D.)23-Jul-2016 18:14
Gosh I sill have "Fisheye" envy Sam. Super shot.
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