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Timothy Williams | all galleries >> Galleries >> Commissario Trotti: Converging Parallels > Corriere della Sera
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Corriere della Sera

Two papers lay on the table, the Corriere and the Provincia. He looked at the Corriere. The front page spoke of Moro, there was a photograph of his wife, there were long black columns of print reporting on the political debate. A conflict of values; the integrity of the state versus the physical integrity of a destroyed man.
No real news of Moro; no communiqué from the Red Brigades. But as Trotti read, trying to concentrate on the dancing lines of print, he was aware of a sense of disaster. Inevitable disaster.

FujiFilm Finepix F200EXR
1/58s f/3.3 at 6.4mm iso1600 full exif

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