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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 01/30/2008 222620
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01/30/2008 222620


FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro
1/160s f/5.6 at 170.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 03-Feb-2008 07:03
She is so perfectly beautiful! This is an amazing shot of her Uncle Paul! Nice work!
eric st martin01-Feb-2008 21:12
beautiful and sensual
Guest 01-Feb-2008 20:44
a great set of tender shots here. voted ! She has good expression.
Marijka01-Feb-2008 20:00
seems like a maternal shot!! very interesting combination of sex appeal and softness.
Jim's Atavistic Visions01-Feb-2008 17:18
I has a nice look to it.
Guest 01-Feb-2008 16:43
Excellent!!!! Absolutely positively professional work!!!! VOTED!