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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 06/10/2006 155806
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06/10/2006 155806

This is Alma playing with a camera that pre-dates digital by a very long time. :)

FujiFilm FinePix S3 Pro
1/125s f/6.7 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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BAS Photography05-Jul-2006 22:06
Fantastic! Sexy naked shoulder! :D ~V~
Guest 13-Jun-2006 15:18
Great "old fashioned style" photo..where did you get that old camera thats what i used when I was young? Good job my son. Mom
Robin Reid13-Jun-2006 05:09
Tastefully done with lots of real appeal. Good show Pablo.
Guest 13-Jun-2006 04:02
That is a pretty camera!! And a pretty girl!
Dale Unruh13-Jun-2006 03:53
What do you mean"Pre dates"? Beautiful girl, beautiful photo: but thats the camera I'm using now!
Guest 13-Jun-2006 03:12
them were the good old days :) cool shot :)