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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 12-04-2004
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Tara is so fun to work with! She's so beautiful, and such a playful model that there's never a dull moment!

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/125s f/4.5 at 105.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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uofmtiger05-Dec-2004 18:31
One more reason to love the holidays!
Steve Pepple05-Dec-2004 16:28
Nice shot, with a very sexy pose. I think it would have been better without the bra or at least with a white bra.
Guest 05-Dec-2004 11:14
Excellent work, like always.
René Gysi05-Dec-2004 08:21
Beautiful portrait. Very good work.