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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 08/01/2009 113749
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08/01/2009 113749

FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro
1/125s f/18.0 at 60.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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PauloCGama21-Sep-2010 12:27
A poem!!
Jim's Atavistic Visions06-Sep-2009 03:03
Beautiful! V!... Josefina
Guest 07-Aug-2009 13:12
Pure perfection. One of your very best!!!
Guest 07-Aug-2009 00:56
She is perfection! How many times have I said this!? It's just true! Oh...and LOVE this shot and the lighting!!
Marwan Habib06-Aug-2009 21:34
This image is really great!
I like it.
Guest 06-Aug-2009 18:33
Brilliant! As all your work!
Paul Walters06-Aug-2009 15:46
Rob: You got it right. She is indeed an inspiration!
Rob Oele06-Aug-2009 15:37
Woooow!! And endless source of inspiration she is indeed Paul. And sooo beautiful. V
EricG06-Aug-2009 08:33
Yup, WOW indeed! I love it.
Zane Paxton06-Aug-2009 06:01
Wow! Gorgeous image Paul!