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Mailbox, Baldwyn, Mississippi, c. 1993
Mailbox, Baldwyn, Mississippi, c. 1993
Jesus Judge and Jury
Jesus Judge and Jury
Tire swing & oak tree, Chickasaw Co., Miss.
Tire swing & oak tree, Chickasaw Co., Miss.
JD and girlfriend, c. 1981
JD and girlfriend, c. 1981
Church Sign - Verse From Psalms (Middle Tenn.?)
Church Sign - Verse From Psalms (Middle Tenn.?)
Bible verse sign, Tennessee
Bible verse sign, Tennessee
Wayne County, Tenn.   o uthouse (c. 1993)
Wayne County, Tenn. o uthouse (c. 1993)
Appalachian guitarist near Homer, Ga., c. 1981
Appalachian guitarist near Homer, Ga., c. 1981
Old lady on porch with crepe myrtle (Hwy. 54 between Chapel Hill and Raleigh, NC, 1984
Old lady on porch with crepe myrtle (Hwy. 54 between Chapel Hill and Raleigh, NC, 1984
Hog's head cooking (N.C. barbecue)
Hog's head cooking (N.C. barbecue)
Split hog's head (N.C. barbeque)
Split hog's head (N.C. barbeque)
Nantahala River, Western N. Carolina, c. 1978
Nantahala River, Western N. Carolina, c. 1978
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