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Patrick Murphy | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> the_american_south tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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Bow hunter with shot carp, Land Between the Lakes, Ky. c.1992
Bow hunter with shot carp, Land Between the Lakes, Ky. c.1992
Abandoned gas station, Christian Co., Ky. (c. 1993)
Abandoned gas station, Christian Co., Ky. (c. 1993)
Gas Station South of Hopkinsville, Ky. (c. 1992)
Gas Station South of Hopkinsville, Ky. (c. 1992)
Easter egg tree (Auburn, Kentucky, c. 1993)
Easter egg tree (Auburn, Kentucky, c. 1993)
Mailbox with honeysuckle, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, c. 1992
Mailbox with honeysuckle, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, c. 1992
Mississippi Sweet Potatoes box, promoting Vardaman, Miss., Sweet Potato Capital of the World
Mississippi Sweet Potatoes box, promoting Vardaman, Miss., "Sweet Potato Capital of the World"
Pumpkins, Georgia
Pumpkins, Georgia
Farm land, Christian Co., Ky.
Farm land, Christian Co., Ky.
Truck stop, Western Ky., 1994
Truck stop, Western Ky., 1994
Oak grove at sunset (western Kentucky)
Oak grove at sunset (western Kentucky)
Cypress trees, Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
Cypress trees, Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
Turtle on log in swamp, Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
Turtle on log in swamp, Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
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