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Waffle House, Durham or Wake Co., NC, 2017
Waffle House, Durham or Wake Co., NC, 2017
Trailer With Flag, SE NC, 2003
Trailer With Flag, SE NC, 2003
Yellow Butterfly With Ants (N.C., c. 2003)
Yellow Butterfly With Ants (N.C., c. 2003)
Hydrangeas (western Kentucky)
Hydrangeas (western Kentucky)
House with hydrangeas (western Ky.)
House with hydrangeas (western Ky.)
Welcome To Downtown (Paducah, Ky., c. 1991)
Welcome To Downtown (Paducah, Ky., c. 1991)
Pit Bar B Q, Western Kentucky (in or near Todd Co.), c. 1994
Pit Bar B Q, Western Kentucky (in or near Todd Co.), c. 1994
Sorghum, Western Kentucky, c. 1993
Sorghum, Western Kentucky, c. 1993
HorseTrailer - Western Kentucky, c. 1993
HorseTrailer - Western Kentucky, c. 1993
Tobacco barn, middle Tenn., c. 1992
Tobacco barn, middle Tenn., c. 1992
Nightcrawlers Ammo Cold Beer, W. Va., 1980s
Nightcrawlers Ammo Cold Beer, W. Va., 1980s
Paddlefish At Barkley Lake, Ky., c. 1993
Paddlefish At Barkley Lake, Ky., c. 1993
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