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Moon over Biscayne Bay & Brickell Key, Miami
Moon over Biscayne Bay & Brickell Key, Miami
Port of Miami and Miami Beach
Port of Miami and Miami Beach
Miami Beach street scene
Miami Beach street scene
Ground Zero, Manhattan, Aug. 31, 2006
Ground Zero, Manhattan, Aug. 31, 2006
Chrysler Building from Empire State Building, NYC
Chrysler Building from Empire State Building, NYC
Guggenheim Museum, NYC
Guggenheim Museum, NYC
House in Maryland Horse Country
House in Maryland Horse Country
Phone booth on train platform near Chicago (c. 1982)
Phone booth on train platform near Chicago (c. 1982)
Dave sleeping with his boxer, Lord Byron, Chicago
Dave sleeping with his boxer, Lord Byron, Chicago
Ducks in Lincoln Park, Chicago
Ducks in Lincoln Park, Chicago
Parking Lot, Maine
Parking Lot, Maine
Peonies after a rain, Missouri
Peonies after a rain, Missouri
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
Beat author William S. Burroughs (c. 1979)
Beat author William S. Burroughs (c. 1979)
Poet Allen Ginsberg (c. 1979)
Poet Allen Ginsberg (c. 1979)
Nobel laureate Czeslaw Milosz, Washington, DC, c. 1986
Nobel laureate Czeslaw Milosz, Washington, DC, c. 1986
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