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14-MAY-2013 Ralph

Celestron Wedge and Questar adapter

Austin, Texas

Here is everything you need to mount a Questar to a Celestron Wedge. This wedge was design to hold a 8 inch fork mounted SCT C8 telescope, so it is rock solid with a Questar 3.5 inch. The wedge mounts on a regular Celestron tripod, and the wedge is fully adjustable to get a precise polar alignment. All you need is an 8" long piece of flat metal with a hole in the center. Mine is 8x2x.25 inches. It already had a bunch of holes drilled in it, but you only need one hole in the center of the flat bar. You will also need a one inch long 1/4x20 screw, preferably with a knob on it so you can turn it by hand.

Canon PowerShot S95
1/20s f/3.2 at 10.7mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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