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14-JUL-2008 Birgitte Ott



Nikon D300
1/5s f/6.3 at 18.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Oleg Chermoshniuk10-Nov-2009 10:29
Excellent frame !
Dave Hawkins03-May-2009 23:56
I love this shot!
wonderful eye and execution
bill friedlander19-Apr-2009 20:28
Perfect exposure to capture the interior of this place. V
bluebirdstar04-Apr-2009 19:58
Great image - very creative! V
Pawel15-Mar-2009 22:32
Fantastic shot!
CM Kwan09-Mar-2009 13:05
Wonderful mood and composition, Birgitte! V
Pawel Kazmierczyk07-Mar-2009 19:24
love the subdued colors here - still cannot figure out if this is a photo converted to B&W in some places, or just a color of light. big vote
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