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Nikon Mama - Birgitte Ott | all galleries >> Miscellaneous >> In The Dark > .
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Best viewed in a (spooky and) dark room
"Off camera light"

Nikon D300
0.60s f/5.6 at 170.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lisbeth Landstrøm23-May-2009 20:32
Wow! Great effect - wet and dark and bright - really spooky :-)
bill friedlander18-May-2009 21:20
Spooky and sparkling with a wonderful purple hue. V
Ann15-Feb-2009 08:02
Great job Birgitte. Certainly has that spooky look. Well Done.
DB Hans14-Feb-2009 23:25
Excellent capture. The image does convey a spooky feeling. Well done.
Barry Ailetcher13-Feb-2009 16:04
Very nice image
Guest 13-Feb-2009 14:11
wonderfully atmospheric composition
Rick 13-Feb-2009 14:06
Interesting image, well done. Looks like something out of a science fiction movie.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo13-Feb-2009 12:47
The color is delightful and lends an air of mystery to the image. Very creative - nicely seen and captured!
Guest 13-Feb-2009 11:32
Good job with great colour :-)
Bea.13-Feb-2009 10:03
Nice, well done.
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