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09-JUL-2008 Birgitte Ott


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Guest 20-Oct-2010 09:18
Nancy15-Jun-2009 18:18
Birgitte, I'm a bit late in seeing this. But so glad I found it! Wonderful pictures. This one especially.
Stewart Mitchell20-May-2009 20:16
Fabulous perspective and the (human) figures add a sense of scale!
Dan Greenberg19-May-2009 05:35
A perfect way to tell the story of this cool monument! Great placement of the people in the photo.~V~
Raymond Ma02-Apr-2009 03:22
Yes, everything is relative. Nice shot! V
bill friedlander23-Mar-2009 15:40
Wow. You positioned the two figures perfectly to show the scale of the sculptures. V
Bill Warren05-Mar-2009 04:05
I love this sculpture and what you have done with it. V
Marc Vermeulen15-Feb-2009 22:02
Nice work on a teriffic day.
I was there last year on a dark day:-)))
Larry Hill13-Feb-2009 05:23
The sky color is a perfect match for the stark white.
Antonio Ruggiero11-Feb-2009 18:38
Ottima photo....Bravo....v
IMRAN HAFEEZ10-Feb-2009 22:24
very nicely done, a beautiful place
Bea.10-Feb-2009 02:52
Good idea to have some people so you can see their size.
Marcia Rules09-Feb-2009 23:48
wonderful sense of scale here, very well seen! V
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo05-Feb-2009 01:38
What delightful sculptures!! Nice perspective and DOF and nice use of the children to add scale.
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