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Nikon Mama - Birgitte Ott | all galleries >> Nature >> Flowers > Favorite of 2008
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11-AUG-2008 Birgitte Ott

Favorite of 2008


Nikon D300
3s f/36.0 at 105.0mm Micro iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis22-May-2009 12:14
Excellent art work......amazing and unique presentation.
Guest 15-May-2009 15:35
Stunning composition and colors! Love the light!
Guest 13-May-2009 19:14
wow, that's beautyful. wxcellent sht ___V___
Guest 04-May-2009 23:07
It is easy to see why this is a favorite. Great shot, lovely exposure and color, excellent clarity. V
Raymond Ma22-Apr-2009 02:37
Very pretty. Love all the details that you have captured. V
bill friedlander20-Apr-2009 21:36
Gorgeous flower shot. Excellent details, beautiful colors, great background. Bravo. V
Algis Kemezys19-Apr-2009 05:10
A universe and more...
Guest 18-Apr-2009 12:38
Stunning! V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography16-Apr-2009 22:38
Excellent and very nice, Vote.
Guest 12-Apr-2009 21:15
beautiful macro V
Dave Hawkins12-Apr-2009 02:52
Stunning shot
wonderful color
Walter Otto Koenig06-Apr-2009 19:12
Awesome macro. Great colors and details. I can see why this one is the favorite of 2008. "V"
Pawel15-Mar-2009 22:37
It is a beautifully taken image :)!BV!
bluebirdstar08-Mar-2009 20:50
Gorgeous - perfect! V
Milan Vogrin07-Mar-2009 12:59
Kim05-Mar-2009 17:33
Holddaop hvor er den flot, virkelig godt arbejde! V.
Hilsen Kim
Gerard Koehl23-Feb-2009 17:34
Cette macro est extraordinaire. Les détails et les couleurs sont tout simplement magnifiques. V
CM Kwan22-Feb-2009 12:15
Wow, it's really beautiful! V
Barry Green12-Feb-2009 01:24
This is beautifully delicate and luminous, and just a wonderful composition.
IMRAN HAFEEZ11-Feb-2009 16:58
real nice micro shot, very sharp and very colorful
Thierry Lucas14-Dec-2008 18:45
Beautiful capture. V
Guest 27-Aug-2008 21:17
Wow! V.
Guest 16-Aug-2008 16:56
Gorgeos shot!
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo13-Aug-2008 14:15
Outstanding it right. The color clarity, detail, sharpness and composition are excellent! Good work Birgitte!
Guest 13-Aug-2008 12:14
Oustanding macro. it is clear , sharp, and the color is lovely.
Ann13-Aug-2008 07:02
Excellent image Birgitte. Wonderful clarity, colour and composition.
DB Hans13-Aug-2008 06:54
It’s outstanding! Great colors and detail and that contrasting background really sets it off. GMV
Guest 13-Aug-2008 04:52
Birgitte, this is beautiful.
Rev. Kelly Todd13-Aug-2008 03:20
Birgitte, this is simply Beautiful! I love the color of the chickory and the yellow is a great compliment! well done.
RUF 13-Aug-2008 01:09
Gorgeous colors.
Bea.12-Aug-2008 23:22
An excellent shot, so very pretty. Nicely shot.
Barry Ailetcher12-Aug-2008 22:06
Outstanding image you did a wonderfull job on this one
Roger Bailey12-Aug-2008 22:05
Just great, love the colour and the detail in the petals
Ruth Voorhis12-Aug-2008 22:03
Gorgeous light and colour, and so sharp! Beautifully done.
momad3004412-Aug-2008 21:58
I think this is gorgeous! Soft and lovely...beautiful.

Guest 11-Aug-2008 15:38
Love the composition and the colors, so soft picture.Well done V
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