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Nikhil Bahl | all galleries >> Galleries >> Michigan III > _NBP2018.jpg
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A different interpretation of a waterfall.
I chose not to put a polarizer on and let the glare on the wet rocks show through.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Matthew Mannell16-Oct-2008 16:15
Very, very nice.
Guest 29-Sep-2008 11:10
I like you interpretation... Beautifully taken!
pr_rajan28-Sep-2008 16:54
Guest 28-Sep-2008 10:44
beautifully done.
Simon Chandler28-Sep-2008 07:41
Intriguing. Artistic work. v
angelique raptakis28-Sep-2008 05:24
like veils draping over glimmering gold. v
Guest 28-Sep-2008 03:01
Beautiful, Nikhil! v.
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