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from a distance..

this is one of the images I donated for a silent auction..
proceeds go to Relay for Life..

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Wenche Aune28-May-2009 20:51
Beautiful work. V
J. Scott Coile28-May-2009 19:01
Deep moody scene. You use toning so nicely. I always struggle with that.
zyziza28-May-2009 16:00
Fine work, V!
Ann...28-May-2009 13:53
Lovely mistiness which radiates calm and peace.
PauloCGama28-May-2009 12:32
What a mood! Wonderful small details - love it.
Monte Stevens28-May-2009 11:02
Fog always creates a good mood. Well done!
Rosemarie Kusserow28-May-2009 08:29
Beautiful composition, great contrast and very lovely misty atmosphere, I like it a lot, great in monochrome, vote, Rosemarie :o) v
Ray :)28-May-2009 05:02
The fading trees are poignant, yet they also symbolise strength and stature.
Someone made a wise investment :)
pr_rajan28-May-2009 04:08
Guest 28-May-2009 04:03
Great image, I love the mood!!
dane28-May-2009 03:22
good image/great cause
Guest 28-May-2009 02:30
very nice!