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Nikola Gruev | profile | all galleries >> Bulgaria >> South-Estern Rodopi Mountains tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

South-Estern Rodopi Mountains

Tracian tomb (Тракийска гробница) near the village of Mezek
:: Tracian tomb (Тракийска гробница) near the village of Mezek ::
The peak Sheinovets (Kurt Kale)
:: The peak Sheinovets (Kurt Kale) ::
The fortress of Mezek
:: The fortress of Mezek ::
Tracian villa Armira
:: Tracian villa Armira ::
Lutitsa Fortress
:: Lutitsa Fortress ::
Aterenski Bridge
:: Aterenski Bridge ::
:: Tatul ::
The city of Zlatograd
:: The city of Zlatograd ::
:: Perperikon ::