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Jean Durepos


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Nestor Derkach11-Jan-2017 19:15
This a great photograph , I get the message and wish I was there enjoying a drink.
janescottcumming11-Jan-2017 00:20
Looks like you are someplace warm, I'm jealous!
Apostolos Tikopoulos10-Jan-2017 21:52
Excellent framing. V.
Marcia Colelli10-Jan-2017 20:56
Looks delicious. Wonderfully composed candid image. V
Helen Betts10-Jan-2017 19:06
Wonderful light and strong color, a very tropical looking capture. V.
bill friedlander10-Jan-2017 18:23
Nicely cropped and great colors. V
Jim Coffman10-Jan-2017 17:35
Well composed and captured, Jean!
joseantonio10-Jan-2017 17:23
very nice presentation for the cocktail.V.
Neil Marcus10-Jan-2017 16:36
Good crop, Jean