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© Jean Durepos

Bombardier Challenger CC - 144



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Alexander Kazakov18-Nov-2015 10:19
Great effect! V
hamery14-Nov-2015 16:11
Beautiful panning work and the speed is wonderful ! BV
Frank Tran22-Dec-2012 03:26
Wow! Outstanding panning shot! V+
fara128-Apr-2012 15:11
what a beautiful panning .well done.v
norbi13-Jun-2011 08:10
Great how the background underlines the speed ot the main subject. v. norbi
XiaoBernard9914-Apr-2011 20:41
Tres bon filé.J ai déjà essayé ,mais pas terrible.Le Bombardier se détache bien.
January Grey17-Mar-2011 07:20
Awesome background blur!! Terrific catch, Jean. V~
bluebirdstar12-Mar-2011 22:36
Superb background blur, excellent sharpness on the jet and perfect exposure for the lights! V
Frank Brault06-Mar-2011 02:11
A fantastic action shot. There is a marvelous sense of speed with the blurred background from panning. While the plane is so sharp.
Hank Vander Velde06-Mar-2011 01:41
BEAUTIFUL motion shot Jean. Great job.
lou_rozensteins05-Mar-2011 23:52
Very nice panning. Well done.
Apostolos Tikopoulos05-Mar-2011 20:33
Excellent picture and feel of motion. V.
Ken Chambers ARPS05-Mar-2011 20:15
A real first class piece of Photography ... v
Fong Lam05-Mar-2011 18:35
Great panning shot, Jean....V
Ali Majdfar05-Mar-2011 18:14
Outstanding capture! ~V
Marcia Rules05-Mar-2011 17:09
I could never pan. Glad you can as this just screams jet power ! V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)05-Mar-2011 16:47
Jean I have seen you post some great aircraft shots but this is just spectacular....
Ted Aanensen05-Mar-2011 15:00
a lost artwith high speed digital cameras, well done!! V
Pierre05-Mar-2011 14:05
Très bien captée et tout en mouvement! V
Jim Coffman05-Mar-2011 13:48
Wow, this is a very powerful image! Great capture,Jean! BV
pkocinski05-Mar-2011 13:23
Excellent job of panning on this image!
Guest 05-Mar-2011 13:05
Fabulous image
Guest 05-Mar-2011 12:52
excellent, speedy image JD.
Gerard Koehl05-Mar-2011 07:50
Superbe prise avec un bel effet de vitesse. V