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Konica Minolta Users | all galleries >> Galleries >> KM Mini-Challenges Hall Of Fame > MC60: Close Ups - Wasp Reflection by Mike Parsons
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Mike Parsons

MC60: Close Ups - Wasp Reflection by Mike Parsons

Isle of Wight, UK

Mini-Challenge #60
Theme: Close Ups
Hosted by Rene Little
Dates: 2-11 Julyy 2005

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Heather 09-Jul-2005 14:21
Mike - this is my favourite. I love the amazing detail - the wasp almost looks mechanical. The reflection is the thing that makes it extra special - how long did you wait to get this shot?
Konica Minolta Users05-Jul-2005 10:58
Hi Mike
You are making this competition very hard to judge this is a wonderful photo.