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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> october_2005 > 10-07-05.jpg
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A plus side to going into work at 4:30 AM is getting off early. This morning was our first frost so we started out cold and then had a gorgeous fall day. I rode the RT up to Estes Park via the Glenn Haven route then I rode through part of Rocky Mountain National Park and back into Estes. Loved it! Once back in town I wandered the streets with camera in hand. The city of Estes Park redid much of the town a few years ago and it now has benches all over the place. I imagine this chap was taking in the sun while waiting on someone who is shopping.
There are several places to buy caramel corn and ice cream. I noticed several people licking on ice cream cones so I broke down and bought one. Tasted pretty good. Here is another bench shot and gives you some idea of the ice cream temptation I endured.

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Coleen Perilloux Landry08-Oct-2005 01:20
You can tell fall is here by the light. Frost? I want frost.
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